Thursday, February 4, 2010


So it is a new day! Well a whole new life! And I thought I couldn't be happier... I am just glowing and it feels great. I dunno if the world can handle me now! lol j/k. I am very thankful to those of you that were able to come and support me in such a huge step in my life. Thank you to those who tried but were unable to for various good reasons. I love you all. I am so thankful for my extended family coming when they only had a couple hours notice! I am so thankful for my friends and family, the support you have all shown me is so wonderful. I did not realize how many people cared about me. I am so thankful to my mom who was able to be next me. Not all women are blessed with the chance to have their mother by their side for it. I have such a great mother. Thank you for all the texts and phone calls that I recieved. My sister was even able to go into a session in Washington while I was in. I love my family! I would not be where I am at if it weren't for my family and friends. You all knew what I was capable of doing and becoming... You were patient (well most of you) and it happened. I just needed to be told that no matter what I was loved and was welcome home at anytime. My mother was the dad in the song "Hurry Home" by Jason Michael Carroll. She is my inspiration and hero. If I grow up to be half the women she is I will have succeeded in life. I just love you all and you are all so amazing and wonderful. I hope that you all know how much I love and appreciate you all. For those of you that have no idea why I am so happy now... I hope that you will search it out. The Temple is so wonderful. True happiness is so close for everyone. I would give anything to keep feeling the way I do. Okay I am done being a girl and all gooshy! I love you all!!!!

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