Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The nicest place in all the world is right beside a friend.

A friend is one who creates a circle of belonging, a sacred space in which all is safe, all is calm, all is good.

Sharing laughter, sharing tears, sharing triumphs, sharing fears, growing closer through the years... true friendship is forever.

There are not many thigns in life as beautiful as true friendship, and there are not many things more uncommon.

A real friend listens with their heart and nevers stops believing in you even if you give up on yourself.

I like to think that we are sent special friends to share our lives, very special friends we can be ourselves with, talk with, laugh with, hope with... special friends like you.

A friend understands the unspoken thougths in your heart.

I thought I would share some inspiring friendship quotes with others. Sometimes we just need a remind of how important it is to have good, true friends. But it is more important to be a true friend. Be there no matter what. Do not believe the rumors. Do not ever give up on them. Stop talking and just listen too. True friends love you no matter what. They are there to lift you up, not bring you down. I have a great friend. A true friend. I am so glad she is in my life. Unlike some people I was lucky enough to find her. I love you too!

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